Pavlenko, A. (2017) Языковые ландшафты и другие социолингвистические методы исследования русского языка за рубежом [Linguistic landscapes and other sociolinguistic methods in the study of Russian language abroad]. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 21, 3, 493-514.
Pavlenko, A. (2017) Russian-friendly: How Russian became a commodity in the European service industry and beyond. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 20, 4, 385-403.
Pavlenko, A. (2016) Русский язык как лингва франка в зарубежной сфере обслуживания [Russian as a lingua franca in Western service industry]. Мир русского слова [The world of Russian word], 1, 23-32.
Pavlenko, A., & M. Volynsky (2015) Motion encoding in Russian and English: Moving beyond Talmy’s typology. Modern Language Journal, 99, S1, 32-48.
Pavlenko, A. (2013) Multilingualism in post-Soviet successor states. Language and Linguistics Compass, 7, 4, 262-271.
Pavlenko, A. (2013) Language management in the Russian empire, Soviet Union, and post-Soviet countries. In Bayley, R., Cameron, R. & C. Lucas (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford University Press, pp. 651-679.
Pavlenko, A. (2012) Commodification of Russian in post-1991 Europe. In Bär, M., Bonnet, A., Decke-Cornill, H., Grünewald, A. & A. Hu (eds.) Globalisierung, Migration, Fremdsprachenunterricht. Dokumentation zum 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren, pp. 27-43.
Pavlenko, A. (2011) Linguistic russification in the Russian Empire: Peasants into Russians? Russian Linguistics, 35, 3, 331-350.
Pavlenko, A. (2011) Language rights versus speakers’ rights: On the applicability of Western language rights approaches in Eastern European contexts. Language Policy, 10, 1, 37-58.
Pavlenko, A. & B. Malt (2011) Kitchen Russian: Cross-linguistic differences and first language object naming by Russian-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 14, 1, 19-45.
Pavlenko, A. (2010) Verbs of motion in L1 Russian of Russian-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13, 1, 49-62.
Pavlenko, A. (2009) Language conflict in post-Soviet linguistic landscapes. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 17, 1-2, 247-274.
Pavlenko, A. (2008) (ed.) Multilingualism in post-Soviet countries. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Pavlenko, A. (2008) Multilingualism in post-Soviet countries: Language revival, language removal, and sociolinguistic theory. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11, 3-4, 275-314.
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Pavlenko, A. (2006) Russian as a lingua franca. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 26, 78-99.
Pavlenko, A. (2003) "I feel clumsy speaking Russian": L2 influence on L1 in narratives of Russian L2 users of English. In: Cook, V. (ed.) Effects of the second language on the first. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 32-61.
Dewaele, J. and Pavlenko, A. (2003) Productivity and lexical diversity in native and non-native speech: A study of cross-cultural effects. In: Cook, V. (ed.) Effects of the second language on the first. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 120-141.
Pavlenko, A. (2003) Eyewitness memory in late bilinguals: Evidence for discursive relativity. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 7, 3, 257-281.
Pavlenko, A. (2002) Emotions and the body in Russian and English. Pragmatics and Cognition, 10, 1-2, 201-236.
Pavlenko, A. (2002) Bilingualism and emotions. Multilingua, 21, 1, 45-78.
Pavlenko, A. & S. Jarvis (2002) Bidirectional transfer. Applied Linguistics, 23, 2, 190-214.
Dewaele, J. and Pavlenko, A. (2002) Emotion vocabulary in interlanguage. Language Learning, 52, 2, 265-324.